Contact Us


OIE Staff

Brent Blahnik

Brent Blahnik

(International Scholars, Faculty Relations, Study Abroad, International Students)

Jittapim Yamprai

Jittapim Yamprai

International Recruiter/Admissions Counselor

Kristy Aoki

Kristy Aoki

International Student Services Coordinator
CL 108

Study Abroad/Away Advising

If you wish to meet with a study abroad/away advisor, please schedule an advising appointment

Student Interns

Searching for an intership? Come work with us! Interns at the OIE help with study abroad and National Student Exchange promotion (events, presentations and student advising), international student orientation and events and general office duties - all while earning academic credit! You do not have to have prior study abroad experience (although encouraged) and we will be happy to teach you everything you need to know about general office work. Contact us at for details!